The Surviving War Diaries of Biscot Camp Luton


British Army War Diaries were handwritten or typed documents providing a daily account of the activities of a British, Dominion, Indian and Colonial Army unit on active service. Sometimes the War Diary was designated as an Intelligence Summary.

It was the responsibility of the commander of every military unit – from the level of a battalion to a division – to ensure that the War Diary was kept up to date. It was to be written up each evening by a specific junior officer and usually signed off by a senior officer or the commanding officer.

The War Diary was compiled by month for every month that the unit was on active service.

Compiled in this booklet are the surviving war diaries for Biscot Camp.

SPECIAL THANKS to Project Volunteer Marian for all her work on the transcriptions.

Download PDF compilation of C and D Battery diaries here.

Download a PDF compilation of Number 6 RTB HQ here.

Browsable monthly war diaries available below.