A regimental sports day of Number 6 Artillery Training School took place on Wardown cricket ground today. 24th July 1916.
In attendence were men and workers from the base, nurses and staff from Wardown military hospital, and others from the town.
Regimental Sports Day
One of the largest. and most interesting athletic gatherings held in Luton in recent years took place on the fine Wardown cricket ground on Saturday. It was the occasion of the regimental sports of the No. 6 Artillery Training School at Biscot. held by permission of the Commandant (Col. C. H. Alexander, R.F.A ). All elements seemed to conspire together for the success of the sports, which were in aid of the deserving Wardown and Bute Hospitals, both of which have done great service for the Artillery Schcool. The morning was anything but promising, but about noon the clouds rolled away, and in the afternoon the sun shone upon a picturesque a scene as one would wish to see. The multitudinous arrangements had been well carried out. The site could not have been better chosen, being large and open, and allowing a full view of the camp itself, a very fitting background. There was a reserved enclosure, and here were gathered many well known people. It was pleasing to see' also the Matron and staff of the Bute Hospital and the V.A.D. nurses and Commandants of Wardown and Wheathampstead Military Hospitals. The staffs in the aggregate made an imposing display in their nice white uniforms. There was also a very large number of wounded soldiers. The attendance must have been very great, for the crowd required all the accommodation the field afforded. The Y.M.C.A. had a large tent in the corner, the busy helpers dispensing refreshments at moderate charge.
The Chief Events
As to the programme, it was lengthy and well varied, and the prizes. which were worth the winning, were presented in the evening by Mrs. C. H. Alexander. to whom Major V. F. Fitch earlier in the day had presented a beautiful bouquet on behalf of the sports committee. Very interesting races were those for the nurses, and the amusement caused was great. First, there was a heat for the Bute Hospital and then for the V.A.D. The winners of those ran in the final Here Nurse Williams carne in level with Nurse Inwards, and. running again, Nurse Williams scored. There were also open races, and athletes from other Army units in the district trict and men from the munition works entered. In the R.F.A. at Biscot are some letic circles before joining the Army. Great interest was manifested in the cross country 50 entries on the programme. A big percentage started off from the ground to the " Three Horseshoes." Leagrave, and then to Stopsley, returning by the same route. The distance was 8000 yards. When the men returned they had to do one more lap of the field. One or two of the runners finished quite fresh and were loudly applauded. The winner was Driver Hill, who did the distance in 49 minutes 42.5 sec. The half-mile No. 6 A.T.S. Championship was won by Gnr. Morley with a two yards' lead. In the one mile race 11 started. and Driver Walker, an Eastbourne the mile in just over five minutes. Bert Hay and T. Cook, both of Luton, showed up well in the open flat running, as did Sgt. J. Wells, of the R.E. at Houghton Regis. Wells is a brother of the great boxer. Bombardier Wells. Much merriment was caused by the mop-fighting, and also by the obstacle race. There were all kinds of events, including races for patients, the band, and the Boy Scouts. ' A very effective item during the afternoon was a physical drill display under C.S.M. Watkinson (of the Army Gymnastic Staff).
Prize Distribution
At the conclusion of the sports Mrs. C. H. Alexander gracefully presented the prizes, and Major E. G. L. Atlberry proposed a vote of thanks to Col. and Mrs Alexander. In doing so, he said their thanks were also due to the instructors. Six months ago the majority of the men had no idea what military life was like. The votes of thanks were carried with hearty cheers. During the afternoon the Luton Red Cross Band played many lively selections, and they played for the dancing in the evening, in which large crowds participated.
The Results
The results of the races are as follows:—
Great credit is due to the Sports Committee, and especially Capt. Colsell (hon. secretary), who put in a lot of hard work. At the time of going to press it is stated that £130 is to be divided between the above-named Hospitals.