The lowest rank of commissioned officer. Note that a Subaltern is a term applied to any officer below the rank of captain, especially a second lieutenant. Derivation from Latin related to the word for alternate. Until 1871 the lowest commissioned rank was the Ensign in the Infantry and Cornet in the Cavalry - both names derived from French words signifying standard bearers. The Fusilier regiments, having no company colours, had First and Second Lieutenants anyway. The Fusiliers abolished the rank of Second Lieutenant in 1834. Between 1871-1877 the lowest was the Sub Lieutenant, after which today's Second Lieutenant rank was established.
2nd Lieutenant
2nd Lieutenant Reginald Sidney Strange
2nd Lieutenant Alfred Melbourne Coate
2nd Lieutenant Alfred Hugh Galbraith
2nd Lieutenant Frank Hampson
2nd Lieutenant Herbert James Day
2nd Lieutenant Percy Luck
2nd Lieutenant Joseph Arthur Freeman
2nd Lieutenant Leslie Wyndham Mansell
2nd Lieutenant Frederic George Thompson
2nd Lieutenant Meredyth Robert Owen Williams
2nd Lieutenant Ralph Wycombe Butcher
2nd Lieutenant Charles Frederick Burley
2nd Lieutenant Harold George Fyson
2nd Lieutenant Edward Stanley Strachan