
Miss P Warren

Miss Warren is listed in the National Roll of the Great War as a Special War worker working in Kent's Munitions Factory.

This lady volunteered her services for work of National Importance and from October 1915 until March 1919 was employed at Messrs Kent's Munition factory, Luton and rendered valuable services throughout.

Miss A Ward

Miss Ward of Ridgway Rd, Luton is listed in the National Roll of the Great War as a Special War Worker at Kent's Munitions Factory, Luton.

During the war this lady volunteered her services for work of National Importance and was employed from 1916 until 1918 by Messrs George Kent Ltd, Luton. She was engaged on inspectinf staff in the fuse department and carried out the duties of her responsible position in a thoroughly capable and efficient manner.

Mr G W Smith

Mr Smith of Saxon Rd, Luton is listed in the National Roll of the Great War as a Special War Worker at Kent's Munitions Factory, Luton.

During the war this man offered his services for work of National Importance and from June 1917 worked at Messrs Kent's Munition Works, Luton engaged on the manufacture of fuse-guages and rendered excellent services until December 1918.

Miss D E Smith

Miss Smith of Grove Rd, Luton is listed in the National Roll of the Great War as a Special War Worker at Kent's Munitions Factory, Luton.

This lady volunteered her services for work of National Importance during the war and for three years rendered valuable services employed as an inspector in the fuse department at Kent's Munitions factory, Luton, supervising the construction of fuses for every variety of shell.

Miss G Sear

Miss Sear of Dunstable is listed in the National Roll of the Great War as a Special War Worker at Kent's Munitions Factory, Luton.

During the war this lady offered her services for work of National Importance and was employed in the munition factory of Messrs G Kent, Ltd, Luton, from June 1916 until December 1918. She was engaged in the Fuse Department and during her service discharged her duties in a thoroughly capable and efficient manner.

Miss A V Sear

Miss Sear of Dunstable, is listed in the National Roll of the Great War as a Special War Worker at Kent's Munitions Factory, Luton.

This lady volunteered her services for work of National Importance during the war and from June 1915 until December 1918 worked at Chaul End Munition Factory where she was engaged upon the manufacture of the component parts of fuses. She rendered excellent services throughout.

Mrs K Rowe

Mrs Rowe of Lyndhurst Rd, Luton is listed in the National Roll of the Great War as a Special War Worker at Kent's Munitions Factory, Luton.

This lady was engaged for a period of over two years during the war on important work at Messrs George kent's Munitions Factory in Luton. She was engaged as a telephone operator and carried out her duties in a highly satisfactory manner.

Miss G D Randall

Miss Randall of Limbury, Leagrave, is listed in the National Roll of the Great War as a Special War Worker at Kent's Munitions Factory, Luton.

This lady volunteered her services for work of National Importance and from October 1917 until December 1919 was employed in the No. 80 Fuse Department of the Munition Works at Chaul End and was present when the explosion took place at the factory in February 1918. She rendered valuable services throughout.

Miss E ODell

Miss O'Dell of Dane Rd, Luton is listed in the National Roll of the Great War as a Special War Worker at Kent's Munitions Factory, Luton.

Volunteering in June 1915 this lady was engaged on work of National Importance at Messrs Kent's Ltd, Luton, until December 1919. Employed in the output of munitions she did valuable work as Inspector in the Fuse Department and wsa of great assistance to her firm.

Miss C ODell

Miss O'Dell of Clarendon Rd, Luton, is listed in the National Roll of the Great War as a Special War Worker at Kent's Munitions Factory, Luton.

This lady volunteered soon after the outbreak of hostilities and for the whole period of her service, which extended to the duraton of  the War, was employed in work of National Importance at Messrs Kent's Ltd, Luton. She rendered services of great value and gave complete satisfaction to her employers.

Miss B ODell

Miss O'Dell of Clarendon Rd, Luton, is listed in the National Roll of the Great War as a Special War Worker at Kent's Munitions Factory, Luton.

Soon after the outbreak of hostilities, this lady volunteered for work of National Importance and proceeded to Messrs Kent's Ltd, Luton where she was engaged on the output of munitions. Her service extended to the cessation of hostilities and she did work of a very valuable nature giving complete satisfaction to her employers.

Mrs E Nicholls

Mrs Nicholls of Luton, is listed in the National Roll of the Great War as a Special War Worker at Kent's Munitions Factory, Luton.

Volunteering for work of National Importance, this lady accepted a position at the factory of Messrs Geo. Kent Ltd, Luton in February 1916 and was engaged as an Inspector of Fuses. She carried out her responsible duties in a thorough and efficient manner and to the entire satisfaction of her employers. until her discharge in January 1920.

Miss M McVey

Miss McVey of Dallow Rd, Luton, is listed in the National Roll of the Great War as a Special War Worker at Kent's Munitions Factory, Luton.

During the war for a period of eighteen months, this lady was engaged on important work at Messrs George Kent's factory, Luton. Her duties, which were in connection with the gauging of fuses, were carried out with great care and skill and she received high commendation for the services she rendered.

Mrs F MacGregor

Mrs MacGregor of Houghton Regis, is listed in the National Roll of the Great War as a Special War Worker at Kent's Munitions Factory, Luton.

During the war this lady offered her services for work of National Importance and from September 1915 until November 1918 was engaged at the Explosive Works, Chaul End, Luton. Engaged on inspecting staff she carried out her responsible duties in a thoroghly efficient manner throughout her period of service.

Mr W Dawson

Mr Dawson of Chatsworth Rd, Luton, is listed in the National Roll of the Great War as a Special War Worker at Kent's Munitions Factory, Luton.

Early in 1915 he was appointed manager of the mechanical fuse department at Messrs Kent's Ltd, Luton. In this capacity his exceptional abilities proved of the utmost value, and he worked with untiring energy until the conclusion of hostilities when he relinquished his position.


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