Private Cyril Snoxell
Rank or Title
Date of Birth
Date of Death
15 Aug 1915
Service Number
Place of Birth
World War I Address
Place of Death
Grave Location
War Memorial Location
Soldier or Civilian
- Soldier

Pte Cyril Snoxell, 3099, 1/5th Bedfords, was killed in action on August 16th*, 1915, at Gallipoli. He was aged 18 and the son of Alfred Snoxell, of 84 Grange Road [now St Peter's Road], Luton.
He was a second son of Alfred and Annie Snoxell to perish on the battlefield. One year earlier, Driver Percy Glifford Snoxell, 59028, 68th Battery, Royal Field Artillery, was killed in action in France on August 26th, 1914.
Initial reports said Mr Snoxell had been officially notified that Cyril was wounded. A later report said there was no further news, but letters from friends had informed him that his son had been killed.
Mr Snoxell wrote to the Record Office of the Regiment and was told that further inquiries would be made. He was asked to forward some of the letters he had received, and an official announcement that Pte Snoxell was missing, believed killed, was later issued. The date then given was August 16th.
Pte Snoxell had been in the 1/5th for some years, and before the war was employed at the Diamond Foundry.
A third son, Bert, was serving in the 3rd Eastern Mounted Brigade, Field Ambulance, R.A.M.C., and was expecting to leave for foreign service shortly.
Below is a copy of a letter sent home by Cyril Snoxell on learning of the deathof his brother Percy in August 1914. With thanks to Clive Snoxell, grandson of Bert Snoxell.
[*Date based on eyewitness accounts]
Individual Location
Author: Deejaya
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