Private Richard Cyril Eads
Rank or Title
Date of Birth
Dec 1899
Date of Death
18 Aug 1918
War time / or Pre War occupation
Service Number
Place of Birth
World War I Address
Place of Death
Grave Location
War Memorial Location
Soldier or Civilian
- Soldier

Pte Richard Cyril ('Dick') Eads, 69348, 6th Battalion The Queen's (Royal West Surrey Regiment), died in the 55th Casualty Clearing Station in France on August 18th, 1918, from wounds sustained in action.
His father, corn merchant William John Richardson Eads, of 24 Rothesay Road, Luton, received a telegram on August 19th to say his fifth and youngest son was dangerously wounded. A second telegram, on August 22nd, said Richard had died on August 18th.
Born in December 1899, Richard had left Luton Modern School to become an apprentice in the drawing office at Vauxhall Motors Ltd. On joining the Army he sat and passed a draughtsmanship test prior to joining the RAF. However, he was sent to train with the Royal West Surreys before his planned transfer to the RAF in September 1918.
After spending leave in Luton at Whitsuntide 1918, he left for Holt, Norfolk, on May 22nd, and was in France the following month. However, a severe attack of influenza saw him in hospital which meant he did not see action until around a week before his death.
Richard's four brothers were also serving – Fred in France, Percy (Tom) in Palestine, Herbert in Mesopotamia and Sidney, a prisoner of war interned in Holland.
Individual Location
Author: Deejaya
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