Pocket Bible Ernest Groom
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This bible belonged to Ernest Groom, who was tragically killed in the opening days of the Battle of the Somme, as part of the 2nd Battallion Bedfordshire Regiment, during the attack on Trones Wood.
The bible was picked up from the battlefield by an unknown German officer, and returned to Ernest Groom's mother by a later British serviceman. One can only speculate about the actions that lead to the bible having such a journey.
The letter accompanying the bible on its journey home reads:-
Dear Mrs Groom.
This morning we have received a letter from my brother in France saying he has in his possesion a Pocket Bible.
On one leaf is a message from his mother to Ernest, with love, and on the other side. Private E.W.J. Groom No 25686 2nd Beds Regt.
A fellow in his company took this Bible from a German Officer on July 14th. My brother bought it off this fellow because it had the address in.
If this is your son's Pocket Bible, will you kindly let us know. My brother will be pleased to let you have it.
I remain,
Yours sincerely
M. Snoxell
P.S. On one leaf of the Bible was written, Home Address
Marsh Road, Leagrave, Luton, Beds
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Author: David
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