More Lutonians serving King and country.
Lieut Frank FACER: Transport officer, 2/East Anglian R.A.M.C. - Hart Hill, Luton.
Pte Horace FENSOME: 13261, C Company, 2nd Battn Beds Regt, British Expeditionary Force - Ramridge End Lane, Luton.
Stoker Petty Officer W.W. GADSBY: 294719A, HMS Penelope - 34 Stuart Street, Luton.
Rifleman H. W. READHEAD: S1190, 10th Battn, Rifle Brigade - 24 Adelaide Street, Luton.
Sapper W. C. SMITH: 2nd Field Coy, E.A.R.E.
Driver A. SMITH: E.A.R.E.
Cpl W. F. STIMSON: 1308, R.A.M.C., A Squadron, Beds Yeomanry - 45 Alma Street, Luton..
Pte P. STIMSON: 2723, C Coy, No 12 Platoon, 24th Batt, County of London Regt "The Queen's," British Expeditionary Force - 45 Alma Street, Luton.
Pte Walter SMITH: 7605, 1st Battn Beds Regt - 27 Manor Road, Luton.
Sapper T. SKELTON: 2/2 E.A.R.E, - 82 Claremont Road, Luton.
Sapper A. MANNING: 2/2 E.A.R.E. - 26 Smart Street, Luton.
Pte R. STURTIVANT: Royal Scots Fusiliers, British Expeditionary Force - 42 Grange Road, Luton.
Rifleman J. COGANS: 5566, A Company, 10th Batt, K.R.R. - 16 Dorset Street, Luton.
Pte W. J. COWLEY: R.A.M.C., 2nd London, British Expeditionary Force - 61 Brook Street, Luton.
Pte H. D. COWLEY: R.A.M.C., 2nd London, British Expeditionary Force - 61 Brook Street, Luton.
Rifleman F. KEMPSON: 3161, No 6 Platoon, B Company, 17th County of London Rifles, British Expeditionary Force, France - 47 Cambridge Street, Luton.
[The Luton News, March 25th, 1915]