Captain Gwynne Evan Owen Williams
Rank or Title
Date of Birth
Apr 1881
Date of Death
3 Feb 1958
War time / or Pre War occupation
Place of Birth
World War I Address
Place of Death
Grave Location
Soldier or Civilian
- Soldier

Gwynne Evan Owen Williams was born in Luton in April 1881. He was the eldest son of 6 children born to Alderman Herbert Owen & Edith Jane.
He was a pupil at Bedford Grammar School & in 1911 a medical student living away from home in a student's house in St Pancras whilst studying at University College Hospital in London.
He served as assistant medical officer at Lewisham Infirmary and surgical registrar at the Dreadnought Seamen's Hospital, Greenwich.
In 1914 Gwynne was a Captain in the RAMC attached to the Wandsworth Military Hospital whilst holding the position of visiting surgeon at University College Hospital, which included a 20-bed specialist military cardiac unit.
On the 1st September 1914 Gwynne married Cecily Innes from Inverness in Marylebone, London. They had 3 sons, 2 of them becoming medical men, Dr R Williams & Mr D I Williams.
He lived at the University College Hospital throughout the air raids of the Second World War in charge of the casualty clearing services.
Gwynne had had a brilliant career, he had been responsible for modernising the fracture service, from 1935 to 1943 he was Dean of the Medical School and had also been Chairman of the Medical Committee. He played rugby for the Hospital and was Treasurer and President of the Medical Society.
Gwynne had a practice at 9 Park Square West, Marylebone, not far from the University College Hospital, then when he retired he moved to The Old Cottage, Kimpton, Hitchin, Hertfordshire.
On 3 February 1958 Gwynne died in University College Hospital aged 76, he is remembered on the family headstone in the cemetery on Crawley Green Road, Luton.
Individual Location
Author: KarenC
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