Private John Raysons Davis
Rank or Title
Date of Birth
Date of Death
11 Apr 1915
Media files and documents
Service Number
Place of Birth
World War I Address
Place of Death
Grave Location
Luton ward
Soldier or Civilian
- Soldier
John Raysons Davis was born in Luton in 1897 to Thomas John & Amma Louise.
In 1911 he is living at 3 Liverpool Road, Luton. His father is a straw & felt hat maker, his mother is a straw hat machinist working at home whilst looking after 3 year old Cyril & 7 month old Reginald James. John is 14 years old & working as an errand boy, whilst sisters Beatrice Louise, 12 & Constance Ruth, 7 are at school. They have 2 boarders also living with them, 78 year old Mary Ann Pestell & hat maker John Clarke, 47.
On 9th October 1914 at 19 years & 6 months old, John joined the RAMC. His service record describes him as 5ft 9 1/2 inches tall, fair complextion & of good character.
On 30th November, approx 6 weeks later, he was asked to attend a meeting of the Medical Board of Officers at the Drill Hall, Grove Road, Luton where the Commanding Officer of the (Reserve) Eastern Mounted Brigade Field Ambulance Territorial Force deemed John as unfit to serve due to suffering from active Pulmonary Tuberculosis.
John sadly died on 11th April 1915, he is buried in Crawley Green Cemetery.
Individual Location
Author: KarenC
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