Corporal George Brown
Rank or Title
Date of Birth
Date of Death
7 Oct 1915
War time / or Pre War occupation
Medals Awarded
Service Number
Place of Birth
World War I Address
Place of Death
Grave Location
War Memorial Location
Soldier or Civilian
- Soldier

Cpl George Brown, 9592, 2nd Bedfords, was killed in action in Flanders on October 7th, 1915. He was the 26-year-old son of George and Elizabeth Brown, of 65 Albert Road, Luton.
Born in Offley in 1889, he had worked for hat manufacturer Frank Harden in Bute Street, but became a soldier over five years before his death and went to South Africa with the 2nd Bedfords. He remained there for four years and returned to England on the outbreak of war. He was drafted abroad almost immediately.
Writing to Mrs Brown on October 8th, Sgt J. Taylor, C Company, 2nd Bedfords, said: "It is my very painful duty to inform you of the sad news of your son's death. He was killed instantly last night (October 7th) about 5.30, and suffered no pain.
"I can assure you that it pains me very much to have to be the writer of this sad news, but as he was in my platoon I thought it my duty to write these few lines to you. All his valuables and thing I took off him myself and took to the commanding officer, and he is forwarding them on to you. I thought it would be more satisfaction to you if I let the officer do that, or I would have sent them on to you myself.
"No doubt it will be a satisfaction to you that his last thoughts and words were of you. The moment he got hit he said, 'Write to mother'. Then he said that he was shot through the back, and with that passed away. All that could possibly done for him was done. The doctor was on the spot immediately, but the bullet had cut a main artery and, of course, there was no hope for him.
"He was one of the best men in the company. A soldier and a man, he did his duty everywhere and was respected and loved by all who knew him. All the company wish me to inform you that we all feel for you in your bereavement.
"It may be some satisfaction to know that he was buried in the British Cemetery beside his comrades, and not on the battlefield."
Cpl Brown's father was an agricultural labourer who had moved with his Essex-born wife (nee Smith) and their family to Elizabeth Street, Luton, by 1901. In 1911 they moved to 5 Chase Street, Luton, before moving again, to 65 Albert Road.
Individual Location
Author: Deejaya
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