2nd Lieutenant Omar Sinfield
Rank or Title
Date of Birth
Date of Death
1 Jan 1965
War time / or Pre War occupation
Service Number
Place of Birth
World War I Address
Place of Death
Grave Location
Luton ward
Soldier or Civilian
- Soldier

Omar Sinfield donates a prize at the 1917 Regimental Sports Day held at Wardown Park. He was posted to the R.F.A. Camp at Biscot, Luton. A photograph of him was dontated to the project by a volunteer at Wardown Park, and the following information has been coalated from find my past, and other sources.
Omar W.D. Sinfield was born in 1883, and was married in 1907 to Mabel. He was a dyer of Straw Plait, and was living in Grove Road Luton.
He had 2 children, Phyllis born in 1908, and Stuart born in 1910.
He ran a straw plait bleaching and dyeing business in partnership with John George Allin, that disolved on 6th December 1911.
He continued in business, bleaching and dyeing plait, with Thomas Allen, as O.W. Sinfield and Co' until 3rd April 1916.
With effect from 24/03/1916, Omar was transferred to 60th Divison 2/7th (London) Brigade, Royal Field Artillery, 'D' Company. This would probably have been from his basic training unit. So we can infer that Omar would have joined up some time in December 1915.
His records show that he joined as a Private (none commissioned) soldier, but does not record his promotion to 2nd Lieutenant in the Royal Army Service Corps, Motorised Transit section. This part of his army record is missing, presumed destroyed in the WW2 bombing of the war office.
Sterling work by the members of the 1914-1918 forums, revealed the London Gazette entry for Omar, he was made temporary 2nd Lt from 6th Feb. 1918. He worked for the Bedfordshire Motor Volunteer Corps.
Individual Location
Author: David
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