
Sergeant William Whittaker

William Whittaker was the eldest son of George and Fanny Whittaker. He was brother to Joesph, Polly, Sarah, James, Herbert and Samuel Whittaker; and half brother to Richard Leech.

William was from Newcastle-under-Lyme in Staffordshire, and served in the Army Veterinary Corps at the North Midland Veterinary Hospital. Luton.

Establishing a Territorial Hospital at Brook Street


For some time past the R.A.M.C, have had a hospital camp At Wardown, but with the approach of colder weather it has been thought necessary to secure a building where warmth and comfort, combined with better attention, could be secured for the patients. The inmates will not be wounded soldiers from the front, but will comprise local accidents and illnesses of Territorials which in the ordinary course of things come under the care of the R.A.M.C, camp at Wardown.

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