Lance Corporal Arthur Roe
Rank or Title
Date of Birth
Media files and documents
War time / or Pre War occupation
Place of Birth
World War I Address
Place of Death
Grave Location
Soldier or Civilian
- Soldier

Arthur Roe was a professional footballer for Luton Town who signed for the club at the start of the 1914-15 season. He enlisted in the Footballers' Battalion of the Middlesex Regiment at Kingsway on 16th December 1914 with his Luton team mates Simms, Wileman, Frith, Dunn and Wilson.
He survived the war and returned to play for Luton Town in the 1919-20 season.
No service records or medal card for Arthur Roe can be found in the National Archives but he is listed as a member of the Footballer's Battalion in the definitive history "When the Whistle Blows" by Riddoch and Kemp. The book also records that he represented the 27th Middlesex Regiment in a football match with Reading in November 1916 when he scored a goal in the 5-2 victory. His Luton team mate Wileman scored two goals.
All images are used with kind permission of Roger Wash, Luton Town Football Club Historian
Author: HillC
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